We take care of data so medics can take care of patients!

Your health facility deserves the best software to support clinical excellence while staying top of your finances.


million patient visits streamlined


Health facilities use Stre@mline

Challenges that Stre@mline solves

By most estimates, more than 70% of healthcare information in the developing world is still kept on paper. That means data doesn’t get shared between doctors, harmful tests get needlessly duplicated and patient data is less secure

In low-medium-income-countries, 1 in 10 hospitalizations results in an adverse event — or a medical error that causes harm — and three percent of these errors cause the patient’s death. Research has shown that half of documented adverse event cases could have been solved or avoided by having a readily available medical record that proactively supported clinical decision making.

Even in the world’s most advanced healthcare systems, streamlining the flow of health data is a massive challenge, complicated by legacy systems and a lack of interoperability. In the developing world, the problem is considerably more acute.

Stre@mline facilitates clinical excellence at your hospital/clinic

Patient safety embedded: above all, do no harm

Patient safety prompts

Automatic prompts relating to symptoms, investigations, diagnoses and treatments reminding clinicians of key practices

Reference documentation

To support diagnoses, prescriptions, and dispensing of medications

Medicine labels

Medicine labels in the patient's preferred language improve adherence to medication

Data Integration

Follows the patient's journey

Stre@mline helps hospitals to stop losing money

Real time income tracking

Track all your income across all departments in real time

Medicines and essential supplies

Track all your medicines from procurement to final consumption

Close gaps in patient billing

Standardize and seamless update your billing, and track all patents bills

Human resource audit

Know your staff performance at all times

Solution that grows with you

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Connect your data sources

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Lead your health facility with data

Stre@mline SNAP helps managers, researchers & governments to make key strategic decisons

Descriptive analytics

To help you understand what happened at your health facility

Diagnostic analytics

To understand and uncover inter-relationships in the data why it happened

Predictive analytics

To help you understand what will happen at your health facility in the future

Prescriptive analytics

To help you understand how to make the change you want to happen

Reaching the bottom of the pyramid

Stre@mline is all about quality and affordable healthcare access for the resource-poor

Built with clean technology

Originally developed in 2014, the principles are officially endorsed by more than 300 organizations, including donors, international organizations, and civil society organizations.

  • Understand the existing ecosystem
  • Share, reuse, and improve

  • Design with people
  • Design for inclusion
  • Build for sustainability
  • Establish people-first data practices
  • Create open and transparent practices
  • Anticipate and mitigate harms
  • Use evidence to improve outcomes
Stre@mline aligns with the digital principles of development

Have a quick tour of Stre@mline

Community based health insurance

Fully integrated digital platform

Scheme administration

Member management, premiums collection, claims adjudication, expense tracking & reporting to manage a successful scheme.

Digital health wallet

Individuals/groups can save for their healthcare in flexible installments using the mobile money

Business intelligent platform

Price products, detect anomalies, forecast usage of resources/ claims and let your scheme thrive

Questions & Answers

  • 1. How do I get started with using Stre@mline?

    1. Schedule a meeting with a Stre@mline advisor for a Stre@mline demo.
    2. Once ready, pay for your Stre@mline package plan.
    3. Start using Stre@mline
    4. Get exceptional customer support and continuous innovation from our dedicated customer success team. It takes about 1 week for a clinic to get live with Stre@mline across major departments.

  • 2. How much does Stre@mline cost?

    The cost of Stre@mline varies depending on your health facility. The price is dependent on the number of users, the number of departments, and your payment plan.

    Facilities pay an annual subscription to access Stre@mline software. The subscription includes hosting, data backup, updates, and routine maintenance.

  • 3. How do I choose a plan?

    Stre@mline has a buffet of options and plans depending on your health facility needs and growth plans.

    Schedule a meeting with a Stre@mline advisor to advise you on the best plan for your health facility.

  • 4. Is it possible to be fully paperless after we install Stre@mline?

    Yes, it is possible. Some hospitals that use Stre@mline have gone 95% paperless. All patient notes in the outpatient and inpatient departments are taken digitally in real-time by clinicians and other health workers as they attend to patients. Some paper will remain, especially for receipts and outpatient discharge forms, etc, that you need to hand over to patients (if they need them).

  • 5. Can I run Stre@mline offline?

    Stre@mline is available for both online and offline use. We recommend online use as it is easy to maintain and scale. Offline instances are only set up for big health facilities where there is very little internet. For hospitals with some internet, we also have a hybrid installation mode that supports both online and offline usage.

  • 6. Can I cancel at anytime?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time though we are confident that you won’t need to. 99% of facilities that use Stre@mline recommend us to other health facilities.

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