Digital platform facilitating community-based health insurance

We connect communities to trusted hospitals where they can access affordable health care.


Active Stre@mline Ubuntu subscribers.


Hospital coverage all over Uganda

Stre@mline Ubuntu revitalising rural health financing

How Stre@mline Ubuntu works

Our revolutionary approach is based on the principles of Ubuntu:
"I am because of who we are"

Group-based (co-operative) health insurance for acute and emergency care


Majority of Africans belong to at least one affinity group. Members of a group pool funds together. The pool covers all the members of the group in case of a medical emergency.

Trusted Hospitals

Stre@mline connects the communities to trusted hospitals where they access healthcare from. Trusted hospitals commit to providing high quality and safe healthcare to the communities


Hospitals where they access healthcare from. Hospitals use Stre@mline Ubuntu to manage the community scheme. Communities use Stre@mline Ubuntu wallet to save and make payments.

Data Integration

Follows the patient's journey

Stre@mline helps hospitals to stop losing money

Real time income tracking

Track all your income across all departments in real time

Medicines and essential supplies

Track all your medicines from procurement to final consumption

Close gaps in patient billing

Standardize and seamless update your billing, and track all patents bills

Human resource audit

Know your staff performance at all times

Lead your health facility with data

Stre@mline SNAP helps managers, researchers & governments to make key strategic decisons

Descriptive analytics

To help you understand what happened at your health facility

Diagnostic analytics

To understand and uncover inter-relationships in the data why it happened

Predictive analytics

To help you understand what will happen at your health facility in the future

Prescriptive analytics

To help you understand how to make the change you want to happen

Community based health insurance

Fully integrated digital solution

Scheme administration

Member management, premiums collection, claims adjudication, expense tracking & reporting to manage a successful scheme.

Digital health wallet

Individuals/groups can save for their healthcare in flexible installments using the mobile money

Business intelligence platform

Price products, detect anomalies, forecast usage of resources/ claims and let your scheme thrive

The insured are healthier, their finances too

“Stre@mline Ubuntu is at the heart of what we do at Stre@mline. One of our values is “Reach the bottom of the pyramid”. By providing superior technology tools to hospitals and communities, we will ensure that every person has access to affordable healthcare. This massive; As you read this now, someone is selling their only asset or negotiating life on a hospital bed because they cannot afford the doctors’ recommendations. Come join us on this mission.”

Samuel Mugisha D.C | CEO Sre@mline Health Tech Ltd

Stre@mline Ubuntu wallet

Makes it easy to make small managable payments

Dail *291*6#

We work with reputable service providers only

Hospitals use Stre@mline HMIS for scheme administration

Stre@mline Ubuntu ending poverty due to health expenditures

"It meant either to sell my land or wait to die"

In May last year, she was diagnosed with uterus cancer and doctors recommended surgery.
Kahara’s surgery needed about 2,000 dollars. For Sandra this meant 2 options, either to sell her land or wait to die.
Kahara subscribes to a local community scheme at Kisiizi Hospital. The hospital uses Stre@mline HMIS to manage all its operations and to do scheme administration.
With her annual premium USD 12 and a co-payment of USD 120, Sandra had her surgery and lives to see better days.

Questions & Answers

  • 1. Is there an age limit to join the community scheme?

    1. There is no age limit to join the scheme. A child of 1 year and an adult of 80 years can join the scheme. 

  • 2. What if I don't get sick? Is my money refunded?

    No. You will not be refunded. Health schemes operate on a principle of “Ubuntu”. If you don't fall sick, thank God! Your neighbors who got sick use the pooled fund. If you get unlucky and get sick later, you also benefit from the pool.

  • 3. Is there a different price for school going children?

    School going children have different price lists from adults. 

    NB: Please confirm with your scheme about the detailed pricing for school going children.

  • 4. Are there free medical checkups for individuals?

    Many of the health schemes we work with offer free medical checkup for members of the scheme. NB: Please confirm with your scheme about the scope of the medical checkup.

  • 5. Does a family have one card or every member of the family has their own card? Can my card be used by my family member if my family member is used?

    Every member of the family has an individual card. You must use your card when you go to the hospital. Please note: Members who try to access healthcare using cards for their colleagues/family members will be penalized as this is fraud: impersonification.

     Their cards are confiscated for that year of payment. 

  • 6. Is there a predetermined list for what is covered by the health scheme vs what is not covered?

    Yes, Your host hospital will provide you with a list of what is covered and what is not covered. 

    All the hospital partners we work with generally cover acute and emergency conditions. At the moment, chronic illnesses are not covered.

  • 7. What other benefits can I get from my health cooperative?

    Health schemes are involved in health promotion activities. You will benefit from health education activities being carried out in the health scheme. 

    Most schemes also offer annual health check ups which you will benefit from. Screening for prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc are carried out as part of the medical checkups. 

  • 8. If my group members are less than 20, can we join?

    Joining as a group offers immense benefits: 

    1. Members help each other to make sure that no one is left behind. 
    2. The drop out rate is lower with groups compared to individuals.
    3. The risk is spread in the group so, the pool is bigger.

    We strongly encourage you to join with a minimum of 20 members. Encourage your group members to pay for their family members so that you can raise the numbers. 

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