“I WILL NOT BE LEFT BEHIND”, A TAKE HOME FROM THE MARCH 2019 STRE@MLINE’S EXHIBITION CONFERENCES FOR WESTERN UGANDA. The hunger for change, knowledge and systems upgrade is evident among the professionals in Uganda today. The month of March 2019 saw us to a great start when iStreams hosted 3 successful Exhibition conferences in Mbarara town. The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) conference targeted and convened health care service providers, data managers and decision makers from both the private and government setting. Participants came in from Mbarara, Bushenyi, Rukungiri, Ibanda, Sheema, Ntungamo and Kabale districts. The sessions were characterized with intense discussion and brainstorming generating answers to the following questions; Is it the right time for Uganda’s health care to upgrade to EMR for patients data management?
Do we have enough resources to manage this change?
Do we have the skills and expertise to operate electronically?
How is this change going to affect us?
How can this change be managed?
In the furtherance of the conference, participants came closer and closer to the realization that as the world is advancing in technology, there are new ways of doing things that we must embrace and the earlier we familiarize ourselves with them, the better. The discussion was drawn to a forecast in the future that individuals and institutions who are rigid to change more often than not are left behind and they cease to be relevant in their profession. The mood in the conference room turned into this strong will of “I WILL NOT BE LEFT BEHIND”, “I will do whatever it takes to learn”, “I will and do better”. If it helps a patient to have a smooth experience during health care, then the humanitarian thing to do is get on board with it. Call us iStreams NOW at iStreams, we will; install the Stre@mline software, train health workers to use it and offer continued support. Written by Lydia Asiimwe