Transforming patient care and administration with Stre@mline EMR at Berakhah Medical Centre
Stre@mline Team and the Berakhah Medical Team Upon successful Implementation on-site

Researchers launch pilot study to assess community-based health insurance in Uganda
The Research team together with the Stre@mline Staff the Stre@mline Kampala Office

ONEWORLD Health Bweyale kitara medical Centre is improving patient care with Stre@mline EMR
Bweyale Kitara Medical Centre (One World Health) is a private for-profit facility located in Kiryandongo District, Uganda. The facility faced several challenges, including patient records storage, stock management, and managing…

Stre@mline EMR helps Our Lady of Good Health Rushoroza Hospital improve patient care and efficiency.
Our Lady of Good Health Rushoroza Hospital is a private, non-profit health facility located in Kabale Diocese, Uganda. The hospital has been committed to providing high-quality healthcare to the people…

Pongue magna tempor and ipsum Martex sapien turpis laoreet augues
Aliqum mullam blandit vitae and tempor sapien and donec lipsum gravida porta undo velna dolor libero a risus aliquet tempus posuere.

Pursus porttitor fusce neque CEO egestas cursus magna sapien and ipsum dolar
Mullam ipsum aliqum vitae and blandit vitae tempor sapien and lipsum donec

Aliqum mullam porta blandit: tempor sapien and gravidas
Egestas luctus vitae augue and ipsum ultrice quisque in cursus lacus feugiat congue diam ultrice laoreet sagittis

Aliqum mullam porta blandit: lacus and sapien gravida
Luctus vitae egestas augue and ipsum ultrice quisque in cursus lacus feugiat egets congue ultrice sagittis laoreet

Porttitor cursus fusce neque CEO egestas cursus magna sapien and suscipit ipsum
Aliqum mullam ipsum vitae and blandit vitae tempor sapien and donec lipsum